Thursday, March 20, 2014

Banteay Srey

On our way to Banteay Srey... This temple is about 37km away from Angkor Wat but took about an hour to get to from our hostel

On the way we noticed very minimal living from the countryside folk

We were surprised to realize that Banteay Srey was a small temple but the surrounding grounds was more like a nature walk, it didn't take very long to walkaround the area but took long to get here. The best part was the journey

There was also a large group that was messing up our photos so we just waited them out

You can see the reconditioned areas of the temple are

We heard music over the temple walls but didn't know where it was coming from until we rounded the corner and saw this band. They're a band of disable people victims of the purge or land mine victims... The dude in the front is playing a leaf! A leaf!! They sell their CDs for $10 if you're interested 

We stayed as long as we could only cause it took a while to get here and we wanted Roh to get a little break while we walked around but there is very little to do here
On the ride back we saw more countryside life... That bowl and hearth action is where they cook their food

This is how they sell gasoline in the countryside, old liter bottles

Palm sugar and melons for sale

On our way to Banteay Srey we saw a really beautiful temple, we asked Roh to stop by on the way back
This is Pre Rup
There were a few tourists but not bad

A lot of this temple was crumbling or leaning 

Very tall stairs 

It's very hot in Cambodia but if you find some shade, the breeze is nice and the view is incredible. A lot of self reflection can be done here. A place like this in the states would have a 20ft barrier around the temple, for viewing only, but I got the climb it, to feel the bricks in my hands and stand over the edges without barrier or restraint. I really hope other people realize what an opportunity this is and appreciates it and respects it 

Can anyone spot Sherena trying to make her way down? I told her she has to walk down sideways or backwards but she didn't listen...I got down before she did and took this picture hahaha!!

These paintings are rice papers embossed with the outlines from various temple decorations then painted or charcoal colored... Super inexpensive too, the smallest was $4!

On the way back in to town we saw this guy also defying thews of gravity with his cargo 

We had Roh drop us off at the hostel and asked him to return in the morning to take us to the bus station, since Banteay Srey is further the fee today was $23

After our usual nap we took a tuk tuk to Pub Street one more time

We saw a cart selling snakes on a stick and other various snacks we weren't really down to try… The kid selling it was really into the snake, he was tearing it apart like a chicken leg! 

We returned to the bar from the night before as well as purchased our last minute gifts and called it a night cause we have a lovely 15 hour bus ride the next day

Overall Cambodia is an incredible place. The people we met are extremely nice and are quite humble. I'd love to return here and stay longer in Phnom Pehn as well as see the rest of the country. I would have loved to have more time at the temples if the weather was cooler and there were less tourists. It's fairly inexpensive compared to the rest of the western world so you can easily stay here for a bit and not break the bank but please remember to be respectful 

Follow me on Instagram @vnesst

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