Monday, March 10, 2014

White Wat and more

Good morning!

Today we're driving all the way up to the Golden Triangle so we had an early start... We stopped by a natural hot spring to stretch our legs and have some brunch... Sorry I was hungry so I didn't photograph my rice soup

The water in the bathroom comes from the hot springs so it was hot!

After lunch we drove about an hour and a half to a beautiful temple called Wat Rong Khun, sometimes known as White Wat

This unconventional Buddhist temple was designed in 1997 but is still currently constructing additions.. Even since I've been there 2 years ago there are more tourists and additions to the main temple that were not there before 
This temple has a proper attire dress code and a no touching policy, inside the temple also does not allow photographs

The temple is designed with a passage through pergatory and a pathway into nirvana/heaven...

You walk in one way and exit one way, they insist you don't walk out the front as that is returning to pergatory

Donation ornaments

Of course even though there's a dress code, signs that state not to touch the temple, or be respectful and keep quiet.. There are still some tourists that just have no manners! Their country is now filthy rich and they have money to travel but they have no class! Yea I'm talking about the Chinese! They're are such scum of the earth and are making travel hard for other people

This woman dressed extravagantly and posed in front of things like she was the only person in the world who wanted to take a photgraph! She kept twirling her shawl to look elegant but she was anything but...

Then there's this woman who showed up dressed like she was going to a night club in a skirt with high heels and a bedazzled hat that says Florida! There's a dress code!!!
They cut in line, they're so loud, vendors drive up the prices cause they know Chinese will pay... And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

After a calming drive another hour and a half, we arrived at the northern most point of Thailand, Mae Sai... The last city in Thailand before you cross the border to Burma
Initially we had intended on crossing the border for 500B ($15.49, not included in the tour) but the tour company wasn't aware that crossing required the Departure Slip given to you when you enter the country so it wasn't attached to my friend's passports and I planned on using my Thai passport and they didn't say I would need to fill out paperwork at city hall to get in to Burma... No one's fault, neither travelers nor tour comapany knew so I'm telling you... If you plan on crossing, make sure you have the departure slip!... It's actually fine cause we saved 500B... It would be nice to cross over but it's like TJ, just shopping and it's the same stuff you'll find on the Mae Sai side

So we decided to walk around for the hour we were alloted and see if we liked anything
They love chestnuts here

They also sell lots of loose leaf teas, I don't know the quality though

Then we drove about 30 mins to the Golden Triangle... The delta in the Mekong River where Burma, Laos, and Thailand meet and you can see all 3 countries

There's Burma on the left, Laos on the right, and I'm standing on Thailand 

Happy coconuts

This shrine was built to remember the king of Chiang Rai

We did decide to take a boat ride on the Mekong River (not included in the tour price) 500B ($15.49) per person to ride along the river in a speed boat and cross over to Laos 

Once you step on to Laos you pay 30B ($0.93), they give you a ticket, keep that ticket with you cause someone may ask to show proof... No stamp on our passport though... They said we had to go to the Chinese casino for that and I've had it with the Chinese so the stamp wasn't important to me

Snake whiskey! They offered samples... It just tastes like really high proof rubbing alcohol.. They also offered ginseng whiskey and tiger penis whiskey... I didn't try either

This area was just a smaller version of Mae Sai and much more impoverished looking 

Bags on bags on bags.... Which one you like? I give you good discount! Take a look first!

Saw this little girl playing with dirt and she posed for us

These kids were cray! They hassled us for money and after repeated declines, they finally ran off to some other foreigners 

It's very desolate and and poor here but it was very beautiful and peaceful

Our ride back

After crossing back to Thailand we headed to an old temple of Chiang Saen city. Thailand has had many capitals, starting from the north and making it's way down to Bangkok, so the north has a lot of history and interesting relics to explore

This temple features a pagoda that houses the ashes of the former king of Chiang Rai 

Trees have grown through the walls... There were young monks sweeping and landscaping the grounds... It was really relaxing to be here

And now a 4 hour drive back to Chiang Mai.... After dinner around the corner from our hostel, we returned to first world advances like the internet and I fell asleep with the phone in my hand... Hahaha must Instagram!  

Follow me on Instagram @vnesst

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